540 presets
All presets are organised by type and mode.
Each preset name is preceded by a X0X number.
The first figure gives you the type of the effect : Small Reverb, Big Echo, etc.
And the last one, the UberMod's mode used.
Library size: 1.1 MB installed
Requirements: Valhalla UberMod v1.02
Delivery: Download
Perspective is tremendous value and expands @valhalladsp UberMod so much!
Fun preset names too. Keep it up! "
by Torley from Seattle, Washington
"meant to reply on this sooner, Sami ...but yeah! These presets are very nice indeed!
I've only gotten thru a few of them because once I find an interesting one (very quickly...) the sound is so unique that I have to figure out "what it making it tick" ...and of course each time i do that, I look up and realize I've been down the rabbithole for 20mins at least!
I find that any sort of preset that captures my attention like that is worth the price...and in this case its WELL worth the price of course :D"
by blortblort from Atlanta, Georgia
"Man these are so good... and so plentiful! Great value - thanks!"
by giacometti777 from KVR